Outdoor Views is the creation of two UK based walkers, travellers and budding photographers who love to explore new places and experience new things. When we aren’t tied to our desks, we love to travel whether it’s just up the road or miles away to find that hidden gem ‘just around the corner’ every time.
Researching online and through books gives us a general idea of our destination before we travel but the most honest and truthful information is always gained by experience (both good and bad!) once you are actually there. Our website is therefore a way of sharing our knowledge, thoughts and reviews of what we see and experience together with links and information to help you get the most from your trip wherever it may be.
Our website is in the early stages but we will be developing it further over time. In the meantime, if you have any suggestions or comments on what we have so far, please let us know.
Outdoor Views is designed and run by Prickly Pear Design, a web design company in the south of England so if you ever need a website and like our style, please get in touch.